Unlocking the Secrets to Reliable Level Measurement in Non-Foaming Chemical Applications

Chemical applications often require precise and reliable level measurement to ensure safety, efficiency, and quality control. However, measuring the levels of non-foaming chemicals can pose a challenge due to their unique properties and behaviours.

In this guide, we will explore how to overcome these challenges and unlock the secrets to reliable level measurement in non-foaming chemical applications.

Understanding the Properties of Non-Foaming Chemicals

Before diving into level measurement techniques, it is important to have a basic understanding of what makes non-foaming chemicals different from other types of liquids.

Non-foaming chemicals are substances that do not produce foam when agitated or disturbed. This can be due to their low surface tension, high viscosity, or chemical composition. Examples of non-foaming chemicals include oils, solvents, acids, and bases.

One key property of non-foaming chemicals is their tendency to form a stable meniscus at the top of a liquid container. This curved surface can make it difficult to accurately measure the level of the chemical, as traditional level measurement methods rely on a flat surface.

Overcoming Challenges in Level Measurement

The presence of a stable meniscus is just one of the many challenges that can arise when trying to measure the level of non-foaming chemicals. Other factors such as high pressures, extreme temperatures, and corrosive substances can also impact the accuracy and reliability of level measurement.

To overcome these challenges, it is important to choose the right level of measurement technology that can withstand these harsh conditions without compromising on precision. Ultrasonic level sensors emerge as a particularly effective solution in these scenarios. These sensors work by emitting high-frequency sound waves that reflect off the surface of the liquid. By measuring the time it takes for the echoes to return, the sensor can accurately determine the level of the chemical.

Unlike traditional methods, ultrasonic level sensors are not affected by the presence of a stable meniscus, extreme temperatures, or corrosive chemicals, making them ideal for non-foaming chemical applications. Additionally, they are highly reliable and require low maintenance, reducing the risk of measurement errors and downtime.

Considerations for Installation

Proper installation is crucial to the accurate and reliable use of ultrasonic level sensors. When installing these sensors in non-foaming chemical applications, it is important to consider factors such as the size and shape of the tank or container, the location and orientation of the sensor, and any potential obstructions that may interfere with the sound waves.

It is also important to regularly calibrate the sensors to ensure accurate readings. Additionally, choosing a sensor with advanced features such as self-cleaning capabilities can help minimize maintenance requirements and ensure consistent performance.

What About Foaming Chemicals?

While ultrasonic level sensors are an effective solution for measuring non-foaming chemicals, they may not be suitable for foaming substances. In these cases, capacitance or radar level sensors may be a better option. Capacitance sensors work by measuring the change in electrical capacitance caused by the presence of a liquid, while radar sensors use microwave pulses to determine the level of a substance.

It is important to carefully assess the properties and behaviors of the chemical in question before choosing a level measurement technology, as using the wrong sensor can lead to inaccurate results and potentially hazardous situations.


Non-foaming chemical applications present unique challenges for reliable level measurement. By understanding their properties and selecting the right level measurement technology, such as ultrasonic sensors, these challenges can be overcome. Proper installation and maintenance are also crucial for accurate and reliable measurement. However, it is important to carefully consider the properties of each chemical before choosing a level measurement method to ensure safety and efficiency in industrial processes.  So, always choose the right technology that meets your specific application needs for optimal results.